:: About MyChub Encounters ::
Official Blog for MyChub [since 1999] - The Malaysian Chubs and Chasers Organization.
Our Motto: Proud to be a Chub - Honored to be a chaser !!
This a huge collection of writings by fellow blog writers to celebrate the rich diversity within the Chub and Chaser community. It tales the love, lies and lives of people around us.
Tuesday, December 03, 2002
Thursday, November 28, 2002
Hi there, Welcome aboard! Looks like we have a Filipino aboard! Kumusta!!
Well, just for info, I had an ex boyfriend from the Philippines. He is also from Visayas. (Bacolod City). Been there a couple of times. Anyway, the language is rather similiar to Malay. Anyway, that was a past of my life!
I hope you will contribute to this column more regularly.
Well, just for info, I had an ex boyfriend from the Philippines. He is also from Visayas. (Bacolod City). Been there a couple of times. Anyway, the language is rather similiar to Malay. Anyway, that was a past of my life!
I hope you will contribute to this column more regularly.
Saturday, November 09, 2002
Hi there! Syukur awak dah keluar wad dan hospital! Bila baca apa awak tulis ini, saya ingat apa yang berlaku pada saya 4 tahun lalu! Accident juga! Kaki patah! Masuk wad dekat 26 hari di Hospital Besar JB. Eh....seksa! Dengan sakit.....I wish you all the best! Saya faham apa yang awak mengalami!
Kenalah rehat banyak ni! Take good care!!
Kenalah rehat banyak ni! Take good care!!
Wednesday, November 06, 2002
Friday, November 01, 2002
Our young and talented writer - chubmashimaro a.k.a JoeChub a.k.a Chubbycub40 has met with a motorcycle accident (29/10/02). Although things looks pretty bad now. Has has gone through 7 hours of surgery... 6 stiches on the head and a metal plate in his arms, bruises on the face and body. MyChub reps (GemuK, Abu & Riez) were there with his mother who had flown from Sabah that very morning. When he finally woke up, It brought tears to our eyes when he said he would like to write his experience in this blog, and ask readers to wish him well. To all friends who are sincere to visit/donate - the address is UH, Wad 9U, Bed 32. To anyone who knew him, pls don't bother to call his handphone as it was stolen in the accident. Lets all pray for his life and hope that he will get better and stronger. We love your works and the sunshine you have sprinkled into our lives.
Thursday, October 31, 2002
Wednesday, October 30, 2002
Hello again! Apa khabar semua? Wow......tentang lovers! Dalam hal ini, kita semua kena berhati-hati. Tapi nasib setiap orang tak sama!
Pada tahun lepas, saya telah jumpa beberapa orang online. Semuanya di mychub chatroom di MIRC. Tapi , yang peliknya, semua yang saya jumpa ada dari universiti. Saya telah jumpa beberapa student....ada dari USM, ada dari UM, tapi tak rasa apa-apa terhadap mereka. Saya ingin ceritakan tentang satu perjumpaan. Dia ni seorang cub dari UPM! Tentu jumpa di mychub chatroom.
Saya telah jumpa dia di Sogo, KL pada hari yang ditetapkan. Baik orangnya. Saya tak tahu kerana dia boleh tertarik pada saya! Memang selepas itu, saya selalu naik ke KL untuk jumpa dia. Tiap-tiap minggu saya mesti jumpa. Ialah...orang yang tengah bercinta.
Tapi tak lama selepas itu, dia mula minta duit. Ialah budak u...saya pun kesian. Beri ajalah. Selepas dia dapat apa dia nak, dia dah mula tepikan saya! Eh...geramnya saya! Saya masih ingat pada awal tahun ini. Itu kali petama dia melakukan ini. Seperti dijanjikan, saya sampai di KL. Saya call dia. Dia kata dia akan jumpa malam aja. Saya tunggulah. Tak tahu apa nak buat lagi! Tunggu aja...dia tutup handset dia. Dari pukul 11.30, saya call tapi tak dapat. Malam itu tak tidur. Ingat apa yang terjadi! Accident ke?
Selepas itu, dia hilang macam tu. Dapat e-mail sekali aja! Dia minta saya untuk biarkan dia. Saya tak tahu kemana. Dia tak akan ambil phone call saya. Saya pun naik ke KL setiap minggu untuk cuba cari tapi tak dapat. Saya dapat pada suatu hari bila saya di KL. Talifon dari public. Dia tak sangka itu saya! Jawab. Lepas itu puas saya marah dia. Yang peliknya, selepas itu, dia nak baik semula.
Dia mula hubungi saya. Dia pun minta saya belanja untuk pergi tengok FAME di Istana Budaya! Saya pun bodoh. Dulu dah kena, sekarang beri lagi. Selepas itu, sekali-sekali da terima e-mail dari dia. Tapi baru-baru ini, dia kata dia ada 'adik angkat'! Tak puas saya! Handphone dia pun dah tak boleh pakai. Tapi silapnya, dulu bila nak baik semula, dia beri nombor rumahnya pada saya! Saya dapat tahu nombor handset dia baru ini. 'Adik angkatnya" berikan! Ini tak betul. Dia tak nak cakap yang dia ada hubungan dengan budak ini.
Hari itu, saya paksa dia jumpa saya. Saya dapat tahu semua darinya. Tapi saya masih ingat berapa angkuh dia pada hari itu. Dia kata dia tetap akan bayar apa yang dia ambil dari saya! Dia tanya berapa. Saya buka mulut...terperanjat dia. Mana dia nak dapat duit, dia tanya saya. Ialah dia baru habis uni..belum kerja lagi. Kena bayar loan lagi. Tapi dia kata dia tetap dia tetap akan baayar dan keluar dari bilik hotel saya. Hampir satu jam selepas dia keluar, dia talipon saya dan menangis. Dia minta saya halalkan! Tadi saya marah....mana nak halalkan sekarang? Tetapi selepas beberapa hari, saya talipon dia dan beritahu yang saya akan halalkan.
Orang melayu ada carakan....saya dah nak halalkan...dia tak nak jumpa pulak. Dah berapa kali call dia, tak ada jawapan. Tak tahu nak buat apa dengan dia. Saya harap dia akan jumpa saya sebelum ramadhan yang akan datang ini. Saya harap kita berpisah dengan baik. Dia dah ada teman baru, saya tak nak jadi orang ketiga. Apa lagi saya nak buat???
Hello again! Apa khabar semua? Wow......tentang lovers! Dalam hal ini, kita semua kena berhati-hati. Tapi nasib setiap orang tak sama!
Pada tahun lepas, saya telah jumpa beberapa orang online. Semuanya di mychub chatroom di MIRC. Tapi , yang peliknya, semua yang saya jumpa ada dari universiti. Saya telah jumpa beberapa student....ada dari USM, ada dari UM, tapi tak rasa apa-apa terhadap mereka. Saya ingin ceritakan tentang satu perjumpaan. Dia ni seorang cub dari UPM! Tentu jumpa di mychub chatroom.
Saya telah jumpa dia di Sogo, KL pada hari yang ditetapkan. Baik orangnya. Saya tak tahu kerana dia boleh tertarik pada saya! Memang selepas itu, saya selalu naik ke KL untuk jumpa dia. Tiap-tiap minggu saya mesti jumpa. Ialah...orang yang tengah bercinta.
Tapi tak lama selepas itu, dia mula minta duit. Ialah budak u...saya pun kesian. Beri ajalah. Selepas dia dapat apa dia nak, dia dah mula tepikan saya! Eh...geramnya saya! Saya masih ingat pada awal tahun ini. Itu kali petama dia melakukan ini. Seperti dijanjikan, saya sampai di KL. Saya call dia. Dia kata dia akan jumpa malam aja. Saya tunggulah. Tak tahu apa nak buat lagi! Tunggu aja...dia tutup handset dia. Dari pukul 11.30, saya call tapi tak dapat. Malam itu tak tidur. Ingat apa yang terjadi! Accident ke?
Selepas itu, dia hilang macam tu. Dapat e-mail sekali aja! Dia minta saya untuk biarkan dia. Saya tak tahu kemana. Dia tak akan ambil phone call saya. Saya pun naik ke KL setiap minggu untuk cuba cari tapi tak dapat. Saya dapat pada suatu hari bila saya di KL. Talifon dari public. Dia tak sangka itu saya! Jawab. Lepas itu puas saya marah dia. Yang peliknya, selepas itu, dia nak baik semula.
Dia mula hubungi saya. Dia pun minta saya belanja untuk pergi tengok FAME di Istana Budaya! Saya pun bodoh. Dulu dah kena, sekarang beri lagi. Selepas itu, sekali-sekali da terima e-mail dari dia. Tapi baru-baru ini, dia kata dia ada 'adik angkat'! Tak puas saya! Handphone dia pun dah tak boleh pakai. Tapi silapnya, dulu bila nak baik semula, dia beri nombor rumahnya pada saya! Saya dapat tahu nombor handset dia baru ini. 'Adik angkatnya" berikan! Ini tak betul. Dia tak nak cakap yang dia ada hubungan dengan budak ini.
Hari itu, saya paksa dia jumpa saya. Saya dapat tahu semua darinya. Tapi saya masih ingat berapa angkuh dia pada hari itu. Dia kata dia tetap akan bayar apa yang dia ambil dari saya! Dia tanya berapa. Saya buka mulut...terperanjat dia. Mana dia nak dapat duit, dia tanya saya. Ialah dia baru habis uni..belum kerja lagi. Kena bayar loan lagi. Tapi dia kata dia tetap dia tetap akan baayar dan keluar dari bilik hotel saya. Hampir satu jam selepas dia keluar, dia talipon saya dan menangis. Dia minta saya halalkan! Tadi saya marah....mana nak halalkan sekarang? Tetapi selepas beberapa hari, saya talipon dia dan beritahu yang saya akan halalkan.
Orang melayu ada carakan....saya dah nak halalkan...dia tak nak jumpa pulak. Dah berapa kali call dia, tak ada jawapan. Tak tahu nak buat apa dengan dia. Saya harap dia akan jumpa saya sebelum ramadhan yang akan datang ini. Saya harap kita berpisah dengan baik. Dia dah ada teman baru, saya tak nak jadi orang ketiga. Apa lagi saya nak buat???
Friday, October 25, 2002
Hello semua! Saya ni baru masuk group blogger ni. Cerita di sini semua menarik. Saya ingin ceritakan tentang minat saya kepada orang chub. Saya ni dah tahu saya ni gay sejak saya umur 18, bila saya pertama kali berada hubungan dengan lelaki lain. Tetapi selepas itu, saya tidak minat langsung pada orang yang chub. Pada masa itu, saya rasa orang chub adalah orang yang paling tak taste, tak minat langsung. Ialah, masa tu kita pun dah muda dan senang nak dapat mangsa. Sampai saya masih ingat lagi. Ada seorang dari UK. Umur saya dalam lingkungan 25. Dia tinggi dan dari luar, tak nampak macam chub. Pakai jaket dan bergaya tu. dia ajak saya ke rumahnya. Ikut jer. Nak bayar! OK lah tu. Ikut. Bila dah ada dalam bilik, baru saya nampak bentuk badan dia. Tak minat saya. Tapi apa nak buat. Dia nak bayar. Haruslah ikut apa dan nak. Masa itu, baru dia ajar saya bagaimana nak memuaskan dia. Itu cerita lain.
Selepas itu, pandangan saya terhadap orang chub dah tertukar. Tapi kalau ada pilihan lain, saya akan pilih seorang yang bukan chub. Tak tahu bagaimana saya terjumpa dengan seorang chub diSingapore.. Ini adalah dalam 15 tahun dulu. Dia tu merasa sedih. Orang semua pilih. Setiap kali saya tengok dia, semua orang tak nak. Saya pun kesiankan. Satu hari saya pun pergi cakap dengan dia. Selepas itu, dia ajak saya pergi dengan dia. Mungkin saya ikut kerana kesiankan dia. Selepas itu, kami berdua boleh menjadi kawan rapat. Selepas berapa kali projek dengan dia, saya pun dah minat dengan chub. Sekarang dia bekerja di KL. Mungkin orang chub akan kenal dia. Tapi setiap kali saya jumpa dengan dia di KL, kita akan keluar makan sebagai kawan. Saya pun dah banyak pengalaman dengan chub selepas itu. Tapi saya akan tetap ingat kawan yang mengajar saya untuk menyukai seorang chub.
Itulah semua, kalau awak rasa ada sesuatu yang awak benci atau tidak menyukai, jangan terlalu benci. Nanti suatu hari, awak akan tetap suka atau sayang apa yang awak benci dulu.
Selepas itu, pandangan saya terhadap orang chub dah tertukar. Tapi kalau ada pilihan lain, saya akan pilih seorang yang bukan chub. Tak tahu bagaimana saya terjumpa dengan seorang chub diSingapore.. Ini adalah dalam 15 tahun dulu. Dia tu merasa sedih. Orang semua pilih. Setiap kali saya tengok dia, semua orang tak nak. Saya pun kesiankan. Satu hari saya pun pergi cakap dengan dia. Selepas itu, dia ajak saya pergi dengan dia. Mungkin saya ikut kerana kesiankan dia. Selepas itu, kami berdua boleh menjadi kawan rapat. Selepas berapa kali projek dengan dia, saya pun dah minat dengan chub. Sekarang dia bekerja di KL. Mungkin orang chub akan kenal dia. Tapi setiap kali saya jumpa dengan dia di KL, kita akan keluar makan sebagai kawan. Saya pun dah banyak pengalaman dengan chub selepas itu. Tapi saya akan tetap ingat kawan yang mengajar saya untuk menyukai seorang chub.
Itulah semua, kalau awak rasa ada sesuatu yang awak benci atau tidak menyukai, jangan terlalu benci. Nanti suatu hari, awak akan tetap suka atau sayang apa yang awak benci dulu.
Thursday, October 17, 2002
Hi, moks here. Wow.. seems like mashimaro has lots of fresh encounters that just I couldn't help to join. Well, mine not really an encounter but more like a revelation. I started to notice chubby guys when I was in standard 1. Early huh!. I used to have this crush on a chubby classmate of mine. I had read in an encyclopedia that this urge was called "Gay". So that's when I knew i was gay, but of course, didn't act on that urge that burned deep down, so what did i do? Suppress it....For years. So yeah...i tried to put it in my head that i wasn't gay, you know the whole spell. So this act lasted throughout my whole school years. Even though i checked out some cuties around school, i just didn't think i was gay. I even thought i really liked this girl. And to be honest, you know, if she said yes when i asked her to be my girl...i might be with her right now. But lets not go too deep into that. I am what i am.
Then I went to the University. Everynight, when i went to bed, I couldn't fall asleep. I would lie in bed, and stare, and stare and stare...For hours, till finally i would fall asleep cause i was soo tired. That or i would cry myself to sleep. Either way it sucks big time, and im not talking about in the good way. I don't know where I belong. I would lie there and just rack my brain and think to myself, "There's no such thing as fat gay guys." I didnt fit into the stereotypical "gay" guy. I was fat. I mean look at they ever portray a gay male as a chubby guy? Where was John Goodman' hot body,?!?! Nowhere to be found. Not in the tv/movie media sense. So to me...i felt as if i was some sort of outcast...a freak, weirdo...fat ass fag. Whatever...all of that was eating me inside, and i was a grumpy. So that's why my life consisted of, eat, sleep, shit, work, go fuckin insane...cry. My daily routine.
Then came my savior. Thank God for the Internet. Because of sites like Mychub, and other sites like that...I came to find out that, "Hey, I'm not the only gay fat guy around here." Holy shit did that make me feel better. I just wanted to scream out..."I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE!!!!!!" That's a huge weight that was lifted off of me, and damn it felt good. I mean i wasnt out of the clear yet, but knowing that I'm not the only one like me, i felt alright. I felt I belong somewhere. It feels good all inside.
Then I went to the University. Everynight, when i went to bed, I couldn't fall asleep. I would lie in bed, and stare, and stare and stare...For hours, till finally i would fall asleep cause i was soo tired. That or i would cry myself to sleep. Either way it sucks big time, and im not talking about in the good way. I don't know where I belong. I would lie there and just rack my brain and think to myself, "There's no such thing as fat gay guys." I didnt fit into the stereotypical "gay" guy. I was fat. I mean look at they ever portray a gay male as a chubby guy? Where was John Goodman' hot body,?!?! Nowhere to be found. Not in the tv/movie media sense. So to me...i felt as if i was some sort of outcast...a freak, weirdo...fat ass fag. Whatever...all of that was eating me inside, and i was a grumpy. So that's why my life consisted of, eat, sleep, shit, work, go fuckin insane...cry. My daily routine.
Then came my savior. Thank God for the Internet. Because of sites like Mychub, and other sites like that...I came to find out that, "Hey, I'm not the only gay fat guy around here." Holy shit did that make me feel better. I just wanted to scream out..."I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE!!!!!!" That's a huge weight that was lifted off of me, and damn it felt good. I mean i wasnt out of the clear yet, but knowing that I'm not the only one like me, i felt alright. I felt I belong somewhere. It feels good all inside.
So if you guys ever had the same experience and wants to share with us, we would love to hear it - e-mail to:
(thank you to a good friend - Kurt a.k.a KuJo from - adapted from your log - FYI we all felt the same way)
Sunday, September 15, 2002
Well.. it's been quite sometime since i wrote in here. It's not that i don't have any encounters. Just too numerous to write it all and i'm a little short of time. Anyway, there I was one day, at the day market. I was doing some grocery shopping on friday. I do admit that chubby encounters comes at the strangest places. I was walking back to my car with a bag full of groceries in one hand and my car keys in the other. Then I saw him... like thunderbolt rushing in my veins. A very handsome chubby man around his 30's. He was around 168cm 110kg with waist around 42 or 44. He had a fair skin and a cute goatee. He was also very well dressed. With neat shirt tuck in his very good fitting pants. Too well I suppose to be at the market. We share glances. I stopped and walk to his back. Adoring his massive body and good taste. I stood there behind him.. smoking my cigarette. I suppose he was waiting for his wife or something. I think he knew I was watching him as we share a few more glances. Then he walked to his card and stood there facing me. In the middle of the afternoon in the sun. Argghhh.. what should I do.. should i walk to him and say hi ? We both stood facing each other. The cigarette already burt out in my hands and i just could not move. Is he giving me the signal ? I swallowed a deep breath and slowly walk towards him. Eye to eye.. we gaze at each other. Then I panicked and walked the other way towards my car. Darn it.. !!! I just could not find the courage to even say hi. As i went inside the car.. i saw him in my rear view mirror. He went inside his car too and slowly drove off. Double darn.. he was waiting for me to make a move... he was not waiting for anyone else. I felt like a real loser. Sometimes I just wish with we can have a device which just can beeps if we meet someone we like. Like a keychain that we can signal to any plu that we could point if we like him. That would make things easier.. rather than looking for indefinate clues. Anyway to the guy driving proton MAD 4??. I think you are really cute chubby bear and if I had a second chance.. i would love to get to know you better. Beep me if possible...
Monday, May 06, 2002
Heloo.. I meant to write everyday. But due to time contraints and other obligations.. I promise I will find some time to write this. Somehow I feel this is soo therapeutic. I've been under a lot of stress lately. Renovating the house.. arranging furniture and stuff. The weekends are a total chore. Call me workaholic... but I do look forward to weekdays rather than weekends. Anyway, back to the topic at hand... How would you react when someone returns a glance at you. It's been so long since I've got responses from my glances that i totally freaked out. This cute chub I saw at this restaurant. He must be 20 , 100kg, 44 waist, Tan Malay look, adoring lips, big butt and firm ripe nipple to go nicely wrapped in the tight executive looking shirt. I was having lunch. He was sitting and waiting for his order. I glance at him ( its now second nature to do that). And WHALLA!! he give the same glance to me and smiled. Unexpectedly, I panicked and looked away. Should I too be smilling at this moment ??? Remorse evidently follows.... the bowl of "Yong Tau Foo" did quite taste the same.. I tried to look at him for the whole eating session.. but he didn't gave me second glance. I always envy the yucky pickup lines in the popular gay series in the US "Queer As Folk".... "Hey! How issit goin". And the next minute they are in bed having raunchy sex. What is the correct pickup line in Malaysia ? From the mind "Apa khabar... ?" to the feisty "Saya taste kat awak".. down right to the dirty "Bang!.. isap konek". The weather is quite a good pickup line... but it's too cliche. ASL & Stats is too much of an IRC thing... Anyway, as I was going out of the restaurant and pass by him.. I used an old pickup line my friend taught me... "Macam kenal yea.. tapi kat mana kita jumpa ?"... YES it hits the spot!!! !!! And the rest is history in the making....
Friday, May 03, 2002
Hi.. actually this is a backlog of a previous encounter I had. It was too weeks ago when I was shopping at the MP Shopping Complex. I was hanging out with the guys.. cruising some guys. Some are adorable ones like this one young chub.. he must be at least 16 - 18 years old. 7" tall at least and weight around 120kg. Clean face... and a gorgeous face that can make you saliva drool. God! I was in 7th heaven... anyway. He had this little stubles of facial hair.. you it's just grown on him. Wonder how good that feels when it brushes on one's skin. Yikes! I'm day dreaming again... I kept looking at him hoping for a response..a wink.. a smile.. a gaze.. but nahhh.. it didn't happen. Well.. he had that str8 looking face anyway. But then.. one can never know these days... after watching a lot of Japanese chubby porn... I realize that str8 looking face does not mean he is actually str8 at all. Some of the porn actors looks so cute and damn str8 that I just got a little shocked when he suck cock. Of course they suck cock.. this is porn we are talking about. But hey! certain thing needs assurance for me.. like this chub i saw earlier. Is he or is he not ? Should I go to him and ask him ? That also makes me wonder about myself. Are there any people watching at me and saying "He is damn str8.." Sometimes I just wish there is a device or something that would beeps if he is gay. Being flashy or obvious is not exactly what I had in mind. But cruising for chubs... most of the times are frustrating... you know that you are attracted to them but at the same time you are afraid of their reaction when you open up to them. Scary and frustrating... well this is an after thought...
Thursday, May 02, 2002
Well.. this is my first entry.. Not much i can say... I went for a course and there i saw this beautiful chub named Zuhfri.. I sat beside him and pondering at this awsome girth. he was beautiful to look at.. he must be around 150kg 6"7' age around 30+. Fair skinned, cute smile and a boyish look with a hint of chinese blood. A little small on the thighs but MAN!!!.. what a massive upper-body this guy has. Wonder if that leg of his could support those fat-tastic body. Big round and flabby all in the right places. I think he has a small cock judging from the size of his feet. Everytime he breath, I could almost smell his warm wet air coming out of his cute red nostrils. If he was a bottom.. I'd know what i would do to his massive flabby butt. My eyes kept looking at him.. i desire him. Unfortunately.. he is married and have children. Anyway.. I've got his phone number.. but do I have the courage to call him. Hmm.. we have to wait and see...
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