1. a very handsome (taste lah kiranya) man, who loves your money, but don't love you
2. a not very handsome man (tak taste le tu) who loves you, and not love your money
3. a very rich man, who is not handsome.
4. a not so very rich man, who is handsome
5. a very rich handsome man who love you and some other people
6. a very rich not handsome man who love your and you alone. ( eh wait, this one is like no 2)
7. a not so rich man, not handsome at all, and love you and some other people (there are so many of them out there)
8. a not so rich man, not handsome at all, and love you alone (and good with sex).
take your pick.
i like no 8, because, rich and handsome man, selalu kena caras. boleh???? and to me, a gay relationship- no marriage commitment, is always about looking for the partner that would elavate your sexual desire?
passion wanes, love detach.
oke, next story, i would talk about DBKL. my encounter with some people who needs the definition of DBKL
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