But it's too stuffy in the car, and I have no idea what else to listen to, tho I have literally thousands of songs, so, I got out of the car, lit a cigarette. But it's too bright at the parking lot! I gotta go somewhere darker, so that my mind can relax, and perhaps saw some activities, so I walked slowly into the park. Yeah yeah, create a reason to go inside, eh? I'm like so telling the truth... hehe
Saw some enthusiasts trying to catch some Flower Horn in the lake. Err, that ugly hybrid that's supposed to be bred in Malaysia? Why? Whatever... as long as everyone's happy. Oh my! It's actually darker in here! I can actually relax my mind here!! And they have chairs too!! Now why don't I sit down, smoke a few cigarettes and just be quiet.
"Hi! Apa khabar?"
"Er? Ok, khabar baik!" I replied
"Panggil aku Wan. Nkau?"
"Ok. Panggil aku Zul" (why Zul? I've no God-damned fucking idea why, but the name's familiar, so I used that name)
"Tak balik lagi? Dah pukul 6 dah ni." (Pointing at his watch)
(Huh! Jam Cartier ke?! Hiskk, napa tetiba aku jadi judgmental ni?)"Dah balik dah, saja datang balik, tertinggal molot, ni yg nak cari ni"
"Hehehehahahahahhhehehehehehehehehe. Awak ni kelakar lah!"
(Hmm, the transition from 'engkau' to 'awak'. Sesuatuh!! Makin lama makin lembut nih!) "Dok mana?"
"Er... er... er.... Ampang!"
(Aisey! Did u just make that up? Trust me, pumpkin, I don't care.)"Ok. Bagus tempat tu. Kat situ banyak TV warna dan klip kertas."
"Huh?!?! Apadia? Tak faham lah!"
"Heheheh... takda apa2...aku tgh boring, tu yang merapu tu. Jom jalan2 jap sedut udara segar."
Hmm, mesti ko ni peminat cerita Ally McBeal kan? Yang bagusnya ko ni optimistic pesal life. Aku tak kenal ko tapi I don't find any reason for you to change becoz someone asks you to. Sort of you wouldn't be you anymore. Kata kawan aku, ala2 ikut konsep programming, ko dah tau apa silap, so betulkan le algorythm tu. Tapi emosi masuk campur, kan? Ko bukan mesin, ko manusia yg ada perasaan. Senang cakap daripada buat. Tapi cam kata kawan ko ler..you tak serik lagi ker?? Would it be that somehow deep inside, you're hoping that they're not as manupulative leech as they appear to be? Or the thought of being alone kinda scary? You already know the problem, you know what needs to be done. Good luck! And I believe you, he's out there somewhere...
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