Hi, it's been quite some time since moks have written anything into this blogger. Sorry dearest readers, a lot has happened with my life and my present work continues to take more and more of my leisure time. Anyway, i'm back for now and I just want to share with you a story that I had encountered a few weeks ago. Well, I was sitting in a restaurant waiting for my ordered set lunch, when I noticed a cute daddy chub sitting in front of me. He was fair for a Malay, around the age of 40-ish, waist 42, around 168cm and 100kg. There was a cute little mole under his ear which makes him irresistable. He was wearing a white office shirt that hugs his huge belly and dark colored pants which curved nicely around his bubble butt. I tried NOT to stare at him... but one just cannot resist such temptations when one is presented with such delicacy. Starting from eye contact then down to the lips... I smiled. He smiled back at me. My heart just pumped with joy. Are my charms working today ? Rarely I would be this lucky. We continued to glace at each other and smiling silly all the way through lunch. He was really cute i tell you. After i ate my last morsel, I grabbed a pack of ciggarette. Then, nervously tries to look for a lighter in my tight pants. Out of the blue, he was standing beside me and offering me his lighter. He looks really good close-up, all the fats bulging at the right places. Belly tits and butts. His clean shaven face looks so adorable in the sunlight that it took a while for me to regain my composure in that situation.
"Mind if I join you ?"
"Sure lah.. have a sit", I replied in my broken english.
"You ni GemuKChub kan ?" Huh.. i was taken aback with his question. How did he know ?
"Err... uncle ni siapa?" The work uncle just jumped lovingly from my mouth. I did't have time to think... abang would have been more appropriate in this conversation.
To my amazement, he has been eyeing me for quite some time. More amazingly, he knows a lot about mychub and it's movement. He gave me the impression that he is an old passive member of mychub. Each of us tries to get more confortable and we even ordered our 2nd drink. Well, with a georgeous chub like that I'd even skipped work this afternoon.
"So what's happening to mychub lately", he asked
"Donno lah.. everybody bitching about each other.. not as fun as the old days" I sighed.
"Uncle tahu.. i have been keeping my interest in mychub for quite sometime now"
Feeling unconfortable, I dumbly ask the Trophy Question... "Uncle dah ada B/F ke ?"
He replied.. "Dah..!!" , My heart sunk. Seeing my sullen face he added "Kalau bukan kerana MyChub, uncle mungkin tak bertemu jodoh"
"Macammana pulak tu"
"Ye la, tanpa mychub, uncle tak akan tahu bahawa bukan uncle sorang sahaja yang memendam perasaan sebegini", "Dulu uncle ingat uncle sorang sahaja dalam dunia ni, bila uncle terjumpa website mychub barulah uncle sedar yang orang seperti uncle ni masih mempunyai harapan dan ramai lagi berperasaan seperti uncle"
"Perasaan macammana uncle", I asked knowing too well the answer.
'Alaaahh.. perasan suka kepada lelaki... terutama lelaki yang gemuk dan badan berisi macam uncle sendiri"
I nodded with approval....
"Uncle tak takut ke.. yer la.. expose ke"
"Dulu memang uncle cukup takut, terutama kalau orang lain tahu. Tapi sekarang ni uncle sedar bahawa selama ini uncle takut dengan diri sendiri. Takut untuk menerima kenyataan", "Terima kasihlah , kerana tanpa MyChub, dimana lagi uncle nak mengadu nasib"
"Uncle.. MyChub bukanlah kepunyaan saya akan tetapi hasil titik peluh semua ahli yang telah sukarela menolong untuk membangunkan kominiti ni"
"Uncle percaya, ada ramai lagi yang masih belum melihat itu semua, ramai lagi yang memerlukan khidmat Mychub untuk membuka mata mereka"
"Tapi uncle.. ada dah jadi kacang lupakan kulit, tidak menghargai apa yang mereka ada, malah mencaci maki kita bila ada yang tidak kena. Walhal kita cuma berniat hendak menolong"
"Itu adat lah... bila kita berjaya.. dan orang lain tidak.. hasad dengki tu akan berputik","Biarkan mereka dengan cara mereka... MyChub have it's own kind of style and class","Keep up the good work and don't let anybody make you think otherwise"
"Thank you uncle"
Suddenly, I felt proud, becauseI felt that something I did have helped someone. Eventhough not for my own benefit.. but at least I made people happy. Along the way I have made a few new friends. That is what the sprit of MyChub is all about. To all of you,
Have a nice day... especially to all the LTR couples who have found their match in MyChub. We are glad that you have found your happiness here. Email us if you want to share you love story in mychub --