I went for my business trip to Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan recently. 5 wonderful and tired days. It was fun and successful trip. One of my encounters as I went into an apparel shop, I notice a chub was browsing the products on display and then inquiring the promoters
"saiz 42 tak ada ke utk jeans ni"
"tak ada bang, saiz paling besar cuma 38 je bang"
"apa lah kau org ni, tak reti nak buat seluar yg besar utk org macam aku ni"
"Abang bukan target consumer kami, kami tak carry saiz abang" said the promoter
He seems unhappy with her reply.
I just grin and smile to the chubs and after introducing myself I apologeticly told him that he could have the bigger sizes in KL. He could go to Pertama Complex or Campbel Complex to find his pair of jeans. I told him that he should visit KL always as KL has plenty items to offer for his size. I told him that he should not have a bad feeling of himself as he should accept what he is. he smile and then offer me a drink at a near by cafe.
At the cafe, he (introduced himself as Harris) said that he is looking for his size of jeans for 6 mths but went unsuccessful. I gave him advise based on my experience. After a while he choosed a different topic, he said that at his size, he could not have a girlfriend. I told him not to be sad. Harris is 34 yrs of age. waist 42 and has a dark complexion. To me he is cute. He is polite. We did chat for at least 1 hour and finnaly I have to continue my journey and we parted ways after exchanging our mobile.
Moral of story
A chub should not be despair of his shortcomings. Chubs has his specialities too. Caring, sexy and polite.