"Excuse me... Could I ask you a favour" he asked...
"Sure... how can I help" I replied with a little bit of shock.
"Well it seems that I had lost my handphone.. do you have a handphone so that you could call mine ?"
Defiantly, I took my handphone from my pocket.. "Sooo.. what's ur number please.. "
"It's 012-XXX XXXX ... give it a few minutes to ring."... So I pressed the number on to my phone and waited.
It gave a couple of rings but nobody answered. After it seems a minute or two he said thank you and went his way.
I did not gave it a thought afterwards but continued to eat my ice-cream.
Later that night, a familiar number flashed on my handphone.
"Hi... Remember me the guys at TESCO ?"
"Oh yes.. I still do" .. feeling the nervousness in his voice.
"I just wanna thank you for the call.. I managed to find my handphone at last.. I missplaced it in my car actually"
"Oh issit ? I glad that you found it"
"Err... do you mind if we go out sometime tomorrow ?.. err.. as a token of gratitude."
"Okay.. but it's your treat.. so where do you want to meet ?"
"How about TESCO... same time and same place ?
"Okay.. see you there then.. bye"
Duhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Did a cute chubby guy just ask me out ? I never thought that the handphone missing was a trick. But i admit it works. Anyway... wish me luck on this date. Who knows.. we might be sharing Ice-Cream from the same cup. To you guys out there.... there is life out there.. there is hope out there... u just need to be a part of it.
Happy Merdeka Fun